One of the fun new shows on Spike TV is Auction Hunters, which follows two men, Ton and Allen, as they peruse, buy, and then deal with the contents of storage lockers.
The premise is simple. All over the country, from Los Angeles to Chicago and beyond, people purchase storage units of varying sizes to store just about anything they need to. Unfortunately, sometimes money problems enter the picture, and when they can't pay their monthly storage fees, the company auctions off the units. Sometimes, the buyers find treasure and at other times, it's just a bunch of garbage.
In this fourth episode, Strat'd for Cash, the two auction hunters have made the realization that recently they'd purchased a lot of lockers and have come up empty. So, to make sure they don't overdo it, they take just $1,000 to an auction in West Adams.
It always amazes to see the mind games that are played in the bidding process, but even with the attempts to outsmart one another, Ton and Allen still came away with three buys. Now the question was, would they find gold, or did they just toss away a lot of cash.